Use "salvo|salvoes|salvos" in a sentence

1. Siphonophorous urethroscopy Aedilian polyandrous salvoes tongue-dumb Oryssus

2. Commodify Your Dissent Salvos from The Baffler

3. Moltke's commander, Kapitän zur See von Karpf, remarked that "The enemy's salvos lie well and close; their salvos are fired in rapid succession, the fire discipline is excellent!"

4. 2 This statement provoked a salvo of accusations.

5. Send a few token salvos and intimate there's more to come.

6. 17 There was a salvo of approval.

7. Commodify your dissent : salvos from The Baffler / edited by Thomas Frank and Matt Weiland

8. 10 Road-block salvo shatters Bucharest's fragile silence.

9. One salvo of warning shots across the bow.

10. 18 The performance won a salvo of applause.

11. 19 Waxman launched his first formal salvo last August.

12. 11 Suddenly a salvo arrived but did no damage.

13. 3 The first salvo exploded a short distance away.

14. During this period, several salvos fell close to Kronprinz, though none struck her.

15. 30 Cut Throat : Where in the World is Bobby De Salvo?

16. 29 Low target accuracy is compensated or with several missiles per salvo.

17. 6 We pooped off a salvo in the direction of the sound.

18. 9 Three miles away there was a salvo of blasting in the quarry.

19. 23 Sharpe counted twenty-four gouts of smoke in the first salvo.

20. 1 They were to fire a salvo of blanks, after the national anthem.

21. 8 His testimony, however, was only one in a salvo of new attacks.

22. 14 Three miles away there was a salvo of blasting in the quarry.

23. "Y" Turret No. 2 gun had loading problems and missed salvo 14 onwards.

24. 28 Congressman Saunders fired the opening salvo during a heated debate on capital punishment.

25. 4 Congressman Saunders fired the opening salvo during a heated debate on capital punishment.

26. In the four six-gun salvos returned by Portland, she succeeded in starting fires in the Japanese ship.

27. Half the trees were on fire now, thick smoke roiling in Garuda's dawn, while Humans and Invid exchanged salvos of death.

28. 7 The newspaper article was the opening salvo in what proved to be a long battle.

29. 24 He ought to have waited to fire one really effective salvo at close range.

30. 5 In his opening salvo the speaker fiercely attacked the Government's record on health care.

31. 20 The shooting was the salvo by insurgents determined to undermine the country's post war reconstruction.

32. The fourth Russian salvo straddled Kaiserin, which began to steer erratically to avoid the Russian gunfire.

33. 12 This could be the opening salvo of a campaign to get the arena built elsewhere.

34. 22 Every joke the comedian made was greeted by a salvo of laughter from the audience.

35. If you face a similar issue, don’t fire off a salvo of accusations against your teacher.

36. At salvo 18, when Prince of Wales turned away, two of "Y" turrets guns were in operation.

37. In the darkness there is an almighty salvo of machine gun fire, like a cacophony of cracking whips.

38. At Salvo 18, when Prince of Wales turned away, three of 'A' turret's guns were in operation.

39. The SMS Grosser Kurfürst noted that both of her 12in salvoes at the Defence hit at short range, but did not claim credit for her destruction."

40. At Salvo 18, when Prince of Wales turned away, both (2) of 'B' turrets guns were in operation.

41. 14 Clinton fired the opening salvo last month when he included tax cuts in his proposed 1997 budget.

42. Desktop publishing was only the opening salvo of a fusillade of developments that would change the way people worked.

43. How does the opening salvo of the great tribulation come, and what urgency is emphasized at Revelation 18:4, 5?

44. 13 The opening salvo of the great tribulation comes with the execution of Jehovah’s judgment on Babylon the Great.

45. 25 I know, because of the way he reacts to seeing Salvo and me happy with our new families.

46. 15 In the darkness there is an almighty salvo of machine gun fire, like a cacophony of cracking whips.

47. 21 Within minutes,[] the presidential salvo is wall-to-wall on the wire services and TV news. Then the Internet.

48. 27 Some issues concerning the calculation of the largest launch range(LLR) for wake homing torpedo(WHT) salvo are studied.

49. 26 But it is difficult to imagine Monsanto's chief executive, Robert Shapiro, frightened by a salvo of well-drafted leaflets.

50. Absentmindedness dia del sant homage salvo supernormal taktovka fajkowy organization of scientific parks ratify pralka القذف primolo provalija wins nm

51. 16 Desktop publishing was only the opening salvo of a fusillade of developments that would change the way people worked.

52. 13 In its latest salvo, Vanguard has renegotiated its fees paid to outside advisers who manage its active stock and bond funds.

53. During the Battle of Tassafaronga on 30 November, Suzukaze barely avoided being struck by a salvo of torpedoes fired from the American destroyer USS Drayton.

54. The effectiveness of the system and the weapon were demonstrated by a new, long-range record as well as a successful two-missile salvo shot.

55. A third salvo landed close enough to cause sufficient damage to ensure that the pumps had to be used all the way back to Malta.

56. 28 Aiming at the current status that helicopter uses single torpedo to attack submarine, a method of two torpedoes salvo for helicopter hovering attack is presented.

57. The first few salvos from Hiei and Kirishima consisted of the special fragmentation bombardment shells, which reduced damage to the interior of San Francisco and may have saved her from being sunk outright.

58. The double barreled salvo of Falcon 9 Blastoffs both involve launches of commercial communications satellites – first for Orbcomm followed by SES – and are specifically devised to allow a

59. The Japanese ships were located on the afternoon of 27 February, and the Allied ships opened fire, with Perth setting a Japanese cruiser on fire with her second salvo.

60. Bardolatry_by_Sycamore December 5, 2019 · Dalla prossima settimana, programmeremo su questa pagina, salvo notizie importanti e urgenti, due post a settimana, il lunedì e il giovedì alle 11.30!

61. The invasion of Afghanistan was the opening salvo in the United States “war on terror” and a response to the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on New York and Washington, D.C.

62. She received a 5-inch return salvo from the enemy that knocked out her Number 4 gun, killed 10 men, injured eight others, and damaged the deck and the Number 3 gun.

63. Reloading his bow tubes, he doubled back and fired a salvo of three torpedoes, all at Royal Oak, This time he was successful: at 01:16 all three struck the battleship in quick succession amidships and detonated.

64. "Commodify Your Dissent" is a series of critical essays, or "salvos" as the authors prefer to call them, that were printed in The Baffler during the 90's largely in response to the hypocrisy, and gluttony of the America's expanding techno-consumer culture

65. "Commodify Your Dissent" is a series of critical essays, or "salvos" as the authors prefer to call them, that were printed in The Baffler during the 90's largely in response to the hypocrisy, and gluttony of the America's expanding techno-consumer culture

66. Fidel, who Ceded power to his younger brother Raul Castro in 2006, laid a wreath at a monument to Cuban national hero Jose Marti in the July 26 event marking the 57th anniversary of the raid of the Moncada barracks, the opening salvo in the revolution.

67. Barring prep preposition: Relates noun or pronoun to another element of sentence--for example, "a picture of John," "She walked from my house to yours." (excluding, excepting) escluso, eccetto, salvo, tranne prep preposizione o locuzione preposizionale : Particella o espressione che determina la funzione sintattica della parola o locuzione

68. Similar to the advancement of weaponry in war, Bootlicker continues to evolve their way from a primitive, scattershot, chaotic pummelling towards a honed, laser guided salvo, and the tunes here're packed full of direct, catchy riffs that stick to your ribs like napalm while remaining a pushed-to-the-red, blown out frenzy.

69. III.- Mecanismos alternativos: Los mecanismos Alterativos de solución de controversias, tales como la mediación, la conciliación y los demás que permitan a las personas prevenir conflictos, o en su caso, solucionarlos, sin necesidad de intervención de los órganos jurisdiccionales, salvo para

70. La guarnigione bizantina non poteva Attendersi nessun aiuto dall'umiliato regime di Eraclio.: The Byzantine garrison could not expect any help from the humbled regime of Heraclius.: Non è insolito nel settore immobiliare Attendersi aumenti significativi di valore a medio-lungo termine, salvo imprevisti.: It is not unusual in the real estate business to expect significant medium- to long-term